So ladies we all have taste in different types of boys right? Though why does it seem like all boys are the same. It seems like you can never find the guy who has all the qualities you want them to have. Though you find those guys and think they are the one. You start talking to him and he seems so nice to you and then the talking up starts.
You go to your friends and are like OH Johny said this and Johny said that. Then you got all your girls in AW that's so cute mode. Though once Johny knows hes got you wrapped around his pretty little finger he knows that's when he can start being a big old JERK like every single other BOY!!! Sure there is many guys that don't understand why we all think they are all the same. Though they are the ones giving us the reason to think that. I mean who usually gets screwed over when parents get separated. The girls do it seems like you always end up with less then the guy and you somehow end up with the kids, Which is good because you would rather be with them then have them leave you for their dads. I know from personal experience that my mom did not want my dad to have us. We were all she had and she loved us. My mom gave us all she had, she would go to the end of the universe to find us and help us out. My mom wasn't only a mom to me but, to all my other friends. She was my hero, my strength and my inspiration. Though my dad screwed up and the marriage was over I don't hold it against him. My life did change though and to me my father figure was thought out to seek my brothers then for protection and guidance. See boys you're still big meanies when you get older but there is always a way to change that. Boys just don't understand that we go threw a lot and that we do a lot to keep things going. Sure there is some girls who don't deserve your heart and we understand that, but those girls who do we want you to see that we want you to love us for us. In my heart I know my dad loved us and he did love my mom at one time I saw it that day when we laid her to rest. I now see as a young adult that relationships don't always work out even though you give your best. I will never hold the struggles I face against my mother or my father. I know though that them splitting up only made the relationship between my brothers and I a lot stronger.
As life keeps going boys soon leave the boy stage and hit the men commitment stage but, that doesn't always happen. Some days boys are just dumb and us girls put up with it but, that can also be vice- verse. In our weakest moments we look to the ones who are there for us the most. Through life I have learned that you will lose friends over break ups or over boys but it will happen at any time. My relationships have made me who I am today and I am not afraid to say I have trust issues. It's the fact those boys have shown me that they are not the right guy and that someone else is out there who's going to pick up those pieces and show me that there can be a Happy ending to my fairy tale.
i am pleased to see your blog. thank you...